Coaching Roadmap

How we work together

Below is a list of coaching Programs to help you moving further

The Rejuvenator

Let's Get Back In The Game

About What? Life, Career, or both

For Who? Individuals who want to reignite the spark in their lives

Duration: 4 Weeks

Investment: 199 Eur

A 1:1 partnership with me to rejuvenate and transform yourself by uncovering The World Through Your Eyes while taking a peek at Your Untapped Potential.

What you attract today is simply a result of how you see yourself, where you stand and how you show up in your role.

Embracing it gives you the opportunity to respond, rather than react.

4 Hours of immersive 1:1 coaching 

Personalized guidance, practical tools, and ongoing support in between sessions (Brief Check-ins)

Follow Up session a month after program completion 



Week 1: Self-Discovery and Awareness

Week 2: Shifting Mindset and Perspective

Week 3: Goal Setting and Vision Clarification

Week 4: Embracing Change and Sustaining Growth


Master Your Craft

Build The Muscle, It Is Time To Conquer

About What? Life, Career, or both

For Who? Individuals with big bold goals willing to put in the work

Duration: 8 Weeks

Investment: 349 Eur

It is time to direct yourself towards the summit and go for it.

Face your Success Blockers, pinpoint what prevents you from shining and address the hamster wheels in your career and life.

Draft your own Master Plan, a crystal clear roadmap of your envisioned goals.

8 Hours of immersive 1:1 coaching 

Personalized guidance, practical tools, and ongoing support in between sessions (Brief Check-ins)

Follow Up session a month after program completion 


Week 1: Self-Discovery and Awareness

Week 2:  BONUS #1 :  Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment and Debrief

Week 3:  Shifting Mindset and Perspective

Week 4:  Identifying Success Blockers and Influencers + BONUS #2 : SCOPE™ Mobile App

Week 5: Breaking free from the Hamster Wheel

Week 6: Goal Setting and Vision Clarification

Week 7: Implementing the Master Plan

Week 8: Sustaining Success and Long-term Growth


You Go The Extra Mile, Because You Are The Most Valuable Player.

About What? Life, Career, or both

For Who? For ambitious individuals seeking deep transformation through actionable goals and unwavering focus

Duration: 12 Weeks

Investment: 499 Eur

Here, you go the extra a powerful pace, rather than a forceful one.

You want to bring your game to the next level, and you want it exponentially.

Fine-tune your success habits, and follow them consistently and systematically.

Connect the dots, bring your strategy to execution and conquer your vision, step by step, success after success.

12 Hours of immersive 1:1 coaching 

Personalized guidance, practical tools, and ongoing support in between sessions (Brief Check-ins)

Follow Up session a month after program completion 




Week 1: Self-Discovery and Awareness

Week 2:  (BONUS #1) –  Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment and Debrief

Week 3:  Shifting Mindset and Perspective

Week 4:  Identifying Success Blockers and Influencers + BONUS #2 : SCOPE™ Mobile App

Week 5 & 6: Engaging at Peak Performance

Week 7: Goal Setting and Vision Clarification

Week 8: Implementing the Master Plan

Week 9: Monitoring Progress and Overcoming Obstacles

Week 10: Networking and Support Systems

Week 11: Reviewing and Refining Strategy

Week 12: Sustaining Success and Long-term Growth


BONUS Resources included

Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment - The only tool out there that accurately measures your current potential and allows you to take a peek at your untapped potential;

SCOPE™ Mobile App - A tool designed to let you know your chances for SUCCESS in any given moment, showing you which factors are influencing and giving you strategies to shift yourself BEFORE performing any task or activity;

Shift... Engage... Lead, Yourself

What Will Be Different After Reaching Your Goals?

I dare you to reformulate this question in: How Will You Be Different?

The reason is that, I do not promise ultimate success, fairy tales and overnight extrinsic results. 

Where you find yourself today is the result of your whole life experiences. It wouldn’t be fair and respectful to promise that this reality could simply be shifted without putting off the work and dedication. 

I don't sell you dreams, I serve you with opportunities.

Today, you have the opportunity to own who you are, to recognize your vulnerability and stand for the life you believe is yours. Go get it! You aren’t alone! What I can promise and stand for is my dedication, professionalism to serve you powerfully, and no attachments – My agenda is your agenda. No one knows better than you, what you have gone through. Your story is unique, so do you.

Back to the question, How Will You Be Different? 

You will:

  • Move from functioning effectively, to functioning optimally;
  • Have a clear vision of what your Big Picture is and you will believe it 100%;
  • Be able to inspire and motivate others as a result of your rejuvenated willpower;
  • Experience a sense of alignment between who you are and what you do;
  • Experience a sense of fulfillment at work and in life;
  • Find that you are always at choice – Response-Ability;
  • Shift from a Fight-Flight-Freeze to a “Face it” response;
  • Fueling not only yours but also others growth;

And You will be perceived as:

  • More enthusiastic about your role and responsibilities and more likely to be recognized by others as contributing to a positive work culture;
  • Better at listening to others and demonstrating an understanding of the significance of what was said;
  • More supportive of other people’s development and willing to effectively respond to the emotions and stress levels of others;
  • Better at addressing challenges openly, seeing opportunities in challenging situations, and more easily adaptive to change; 
  • Self-aware of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors – knowing how to respond to stress triggers rather than react to them;

Group Coaching

Unlimited Potential, Multiplied...Distinct Backgrounds, Different Perspectives, But a Common Goal

For Who? Couples, Family Members and Small Teams

Each group has different needs, goals and priorities. Together we personalize the Pathway that creates the most value.

Law of Being

..It is all about getting to the core of the change

For Who? Those who want to dive deep, re-discover themselves and transform their lives


Investment: 249 Eur/ Month

Who you are being is based on how much you know of yourself, who you really are. This determines what you attract and the type of life you will live.

Ask yourself, who are you being in the different areas of your life? Is that in line with what you want to attract?

The way you are being determines your thoughts, causing emotions, leading to your actions, thus, your results. It's a revolving cycle.

Take the first step towards the recreation of the cycle.

4 Hours of immersive 1:1 coaching

Personalized guidance, practical tools, and ongoing support in between sessions

Self-paced materials for additional discovery


Curriculum – “ The Core Segments”

Where You Are Now;
Being In The Journey;
Being At Choice;
Being Conscious And Abundance;
Being The Change;

1:1 Laser Coaching - We Go Off Script

The Stage is Yours. Whatever drains your energy...we address it.

For Who? For those who need no-prep

Investment: 50 Eur

We let the magic of coaching and of the present moment unfold.

No agenda, no preparation. Each session brings something new.

The focus is simply on whatever you experience in the moment - a thought that holds you from performing at your best, a thought that you can't let go off or any concern you may have.

1 Hour of immersive 1:1 coaching 

Book Your Free Session Today!

Schedule your no-cost, no obligation,  Kick-Off Session today!

Using the scheduling tool, select a convenient time for your call and fill out the contact form.

Once submitted, you will receive an email confirmation and invitation for the Session.