How much does your organization lose from lower productivity?
How many disengaged employees do you have?
How is that dragging down the engagement, and morale of others?

What Will Help Employees To Be Productive, Content, And Have A Positive View Of Their Organization?

What Will It Take To Shift The Pressure And Negativity That Surrounds Disengaged Teams?

It Will Take Powerful Leaders Who are Highly Sophisticated, Skilled, And Versatile, And Who Understand The Power Of Energy

Where is the Opportunity?

Moving from Flight & Fight to Leadership Thinking

The Holistic Approach

Many organizations experience destructive, draining or negative energy by constantly reacting to their circumstances with worry, fear, doubt, and guilt – leading to stressful and reactive working environments.

Both flight and fight are aspects of such organizations. This means that the organization needs to pull on its most available, strongest resources on an ongoing basis to counteract the stress.

As negative thoughts associated with lack of engagement and stress are indeed contagious, “Group Thinking” sets in, and thoughts become “Group Fact”. Once that occurs, the organization can implode in a swirl of gossip, negativity, conflict and contempt.
Destructive and energetic drained cultures are perception-driven fed by stress – meaning that this depletion of useful energy and resources is the result of the way that leaders and employees perceive their environment, each other, their interactions, their work, and even themselves. These perceptions are internally created!

Group Thinking Begins With Leadership Thinking

Each Organization Is Unique And So, Only An Unique Program Can Capitalize On Its Inner Potential


Sustainable and consistent change is built in the core of the organization. Like for any living organism that goes through an anabolic process by which the body builds itself up and grows, also organizations have to be shifted from inside out. ​
Constructive, expanding and rejuvenating transformations begin focusing on individuals perception.
This new perspective is no longer at the effect of the circumstances. Individuals become already inclined towards seeing a situation as something that can move forward and have a solution. They look at "what is" and determine what they can make of it.
This new culture turns challenges into opportunity because the challenge is no longer seen as negative. It's viewed in an objective manner, so it can be determined what is and is not working to drive the result sought.


In such hectic times, thriving means creating work environments that fully engage their employees as a result of emotionally connection and motivation.
Fostering belonging in a workplace through purpose and values, offered sought-after mental challenge and growth opportunities leads to higher productivity, but more importantly, a sense of union and desire to collectively succeed.
The key is to identify strategies of aligning responsibilities to individual strengths, means of encouraging curiosity, rewarding openness to differing perspectives and alternatives, and celebrating success as well as failure.


Leaders who are able to tap into this rejuvenated organizational culture fuel growth. They can provide the quality supervision and leadership required to engage and empower their staff. As a result, engagement and satisfaction increase with a positive impact on innovation and productivity.
A rejuvenated organizational culture becomes a sustainable, competitive advantage because the organization is never standing still - it is surging forward, constantly learning and improving, building capacity across the workforce, and driven by engagement and purpose;

What impact could your organization create if it were no longer perception-driven fed by stress? What if, instead, were fed by engagement?

The Individual Level

Sustainable change is attainable when it's made at the individual level. Rejuvenated professionals take it upon themselves to engage

The Organizational Level

A Rejuvenated organization is a living organism response-able and foster of self-awareness. Its impact results of how all elements interact among themselves

The Social Level

The catalyst for individual and organizational transformation - The culture and the human interaction

Each organization is unique and so, only an unique program can capitalize on its inner potential

Where do we focus first?

Each Organization Has An Unique DNA And So One Size Fits All Is Never A Solution

Disrupting the status quo

As far as creating immediate impact is expected, breakdowns in culture and engagement are most typically evidenced and occur at the Social Level.

In fact, without the other two Levels, the changes may not be sustainable as the environment will revert unless the Individuals  and the  Organization support it.

Tremendous leverage can still be gained through the Organization’s ability to structure itself in a way to engage and focus on the Individual.

However, the most sustainable benefits come collectively from the individual responsibility to engage. With the Social and Organization system evolving to support individual change, the path will be cleared and mass change can be enabled and supported.

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